Bulgaaria uurib Uus-Meremaa mošeeründaja hiljutist külaskäiku

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
epa07438399 Shocked family members stand outside the mosque following a shooting resulting in multiple fatalies and injuries at the Masjid Al Noor on Deans Avenue in Christchurch, New Zealand, 15 March 2019. According to media reports on 15 March 2019, at least one gunman opened fire at around 1:40 pm local time after walking into the Masjid Al Noor Mosque, killing and wounding several of people. Armed police officers were deployed to the scene, along with emergency service personnel. There are also confirmed reports of a shooting at a second mosque in Christchurch, and both incidents have left at least 40 people dead and more than 20 people seriously wounded. Four people are in custody in connection with the shootings.  EPA/Martin Hunter NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa07438399 Shocked family members stand outside the mosque following a shooting resulting in multiple fatalies and injuries at the Masjid Al Noor on Deans Avenue in Christchurch, New Zealand, 15 March 2019. According to media reports on 15 March 2019, at least one gunman opened fire at around 1:40 pm local time after walking into the Masjid Al Noor Mosque, killing and wounding several of people. Armed police officers were deployed to the scene, along with emergency service personnel. There are also confirmed reports of a shooting at a second mosque in Christchurch, and both incidents have left at least 40 people dead and more than 20 people seriously wounded. Four people are in custody in connection with the shootings. EPA/Martin Hunter NEW ZEALAND OUT Foto: Martin Hunter / EPA

Bulgaaria prokurörid algatasid reedel uurimise Uus-Meremaal kahes mošees vähemalt 49 inimese tapmises kahtlustatava austraallase hiljutise Bulgaaria külastamise kohta.

Austraallane viibis Bulgaarias 9.-15. novembrini, väites, et tahab külastada ajaloolisi paiku ja uurida selle Balkani riigi ajalugu, ütles prokurör Sotir Tsatsarov.

Prokurör lisas, et uurimise eesmärk on välja selgitada, kas see vastab tõele või olid mehel teised eesmärgid.

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